Business woman with moving boxes looking frustrated with her office move.

Moving offices? Save yourself a few headaches along the way with our telecom tips.

Relocating your business is an irritating inconvenience that sometimes you just can’t avoid.   As a telecommunications representative, I can’t tell you how many times customers call in and tell us they are moving in TWO DAYS.  Please don’t do that.  It never, ever ends well.  To avoid a telecommunications moving disaster, here are some things to think about well before you rent the moving truck.  Oh- and by the way- ACC Telecom can help you with all of these things so you can worry about what really matters- the paint color of your conference room.


Telecommunications Moving Tips


#1- Contact Your Carrier.

Carriers usually require 30 days notice when transferring Internet or phone service to a new location- and that is if their service is even available at your new location.  You may have to transfer all of your phone numbers to a new Carrier, and then BAM- suddenly the previous Carrier hits you with an $800 early termination fee because you were in a contract that automatically renewed.  Just take my advice and contact your Carrier as soon as the possibility of moving crosses your mind.


#2- Contact Your Provider.

Your IT person is most likely not certified to move an asset as important as your business telephone system.  Have the experts do this for you.  No exceptions.  But…before you can think about moving your office phone system you’ll need a site survey, which brings us to our third moving tip.


#3- Schedule a Site Survey & (possibly Cabling) with ACC Telecom.

Your voice and data cabling may look like spaghetti exploded.   This is never a good sign, and may result in needing your cabling redone. If it is a new building, you’ll need permits. You may also need to mark up your floor plan with new and existing data drops for phones and computers.  Sounds complicated?  Let the experts handle it.


#4- Scheduling “The Move” with ACC Telecom.

Scheduling can be tricky.  Cabling should be done first, then the installation of internet, fax and analog lines (if applicable).  Moving your small business phone system usually comes last.  To avoid moving your business phone system after hours, I recommend moving your PBX phone system on a “government” holiday that falls on a Monday or Friday.  Most likely your phone system provider will be open on this holiday, eliminating after-hours labor costs.

Lastly, if you are moving to SIP Trunking (business VoIP), then your phone number transfer will happen on your “go live” date in the new office.  As a side note- if you haven’t considered SIP Trunks, you may want to look into it- the cost savings are pretty substantial.



As I mentioned before, let ACC Telecom worry about the technical stuff for you.  You don’t need to sprout anymore gray hairs.  We can assist you with your site survey, cabling and phone system move.  Contact us today for your free telecom moving consultation.

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