access control systems

Access control systems are one of the best ways to protect your business.

There are many benefits to installing an access control system for your business. Let’s face it, in today’s world, you cannot be too careful with who comes into your business. So why not control who enters with access control systems? Let’s take a look at the benefits of these systems!


No Keys= Safety

Metal keys can be easily stolen and duplicated. A simple trip to the hardware store will lead a no-questions-asked duplicate of the key to your business. This could mean danger to your employees, stolen confidential files, or even stolen computers. But with an electronic key, your business will be safer. Electronic keys are extremely hard to duplicate and requires extreme knowledge, skills, and software to reproduce. This extra layer of protection will give your employees safety and your property the protection it needs!


Don’t Worry About Lost Keys

Employees will come and go in your business. Unfortunately, not everyone remembers to give back their keys when they leave. This small detail could cost you thousands of dollars in property damages, police visits, and other claims if the employee leaves on bad terms and decides to return in the middle of the night. It is not practical or cost effective to have the locks changed every time an employee leaves your business. With access control systems, a simple click of the button will disable them from entering the building. Supplying new employees with new keys is also extremely simple. With a few keystrokes, they now have access to your business.


Customizable to Each User

Access control systems allow you to customize where your employees are allowed to go. If a person is not allowed in a specific area of the building, your access control system will not allow them to open the door. This will allow you to minimize exposure to sensitive areas of your business. You will also be able to set a user-level control to a specific time and location in your building. This will also allow for remote access for visitors or for when your employees are working extra hours. Letting these employees and contractors will be able to enter your business to get their work done faster.


Fanvil video access control door box shown in summer and winter.

Fanvil video access control door box.


History of Your Business

Access control systems can also work as your timesheet. Do you ever worry about employees getting in late only to say they got in early on their timesheets? Well with an access control system you will be able to verify when your employees arrive late or earlier than they are supposed to. You will also be able to help during theft and vandalism investigations, keeping your business safe and free from theft of all kinds.

Keep your business and employees safe from harm with an access control system from ACC Telecom!


Ready for the perfect access control system for your business?

ACC Telecom is certain to be the right telecommunications company for businesses everywhere. They provide a range of video surveillance systems to meet the needs of any organization.  Together, they can help build a future of communications for business all across America with their cloud and VoIP communications and security solutions.  Local, on-site installation and support is available throughout Maryland, Washington DC, and Northern VA.

Please contact ACC Telecom to request service or a quote for a new or used system.

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